If you’re a would-be dieter who’s searched for weight loss advice on the internet, you’ve probably had to sort through questionable advertisements guaranteeing astounding weight loss results almost immediately – as long as you pay to follow their revolutionary new crash diet, or buy their new fad diet book, or drink their new diet shake, etc.
While it’s absolutely wise to avoid these kinds of sketchy ads, there are actually several diets that work in existence. Many of them aren’t complicated, and more importantly, many are actually not unhealthy for you. In fact, you can experience significant dietary benefits by following some very simple weight loss advice.
First — and most importantly by a long shot — you’re going to have to control your sweet tooth. There is highly credible scientific research concluding that sugar is the largest cause of excess fat and obesity in America. Food companies pack our foods and drinks with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and other “poisons,” all of which find their way directly to our rumps and guts after wreaking havoc on our liver and pancreas functions. Also, avoid alcoholic drinks. Chemically, alcohol is a sugar, so it causes all of the same dietary problems that sugared foods do.
Next, avoid processed foods of all varieties. Anything that’s milled, frozen, pre-packaged, pre-assembled, or otherwise processed prior to your consumption doesn’t really belong in your diet. A neat way to remember this tip is that “if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.” Buy natural foods, buy organic whenever possible, buy fresh foods instead of frozen, and avoid breads and other processed grains altogether.
Last, you should always pick your foods from the list of fat burning foods. Fortunately, it’s a very broad and forgiving list of foods:
- meats
- vegetables
- seeds
- nuts
- and fruits!
You’ll enjoy long-term weight loss results by making these simple changes.